'Kachikabura' was part of the Moving Circle II: an exhibition of Guyanese Amerindian Art featuring Three Lokono Artists at the Queens Park Gallery in 2003. Elfrieda Bissember, Curator of the National Gallery of Guyana, where the Moving Circle of Artists exhibition originated, wrote in the catalogue: "Hussein and five other St. Cuthbert's artists (..) called themselves 'Artists of the Environment' (.....). The artists had taken the decision to return to St. Cuthbert's, to their physical and spiritual, familial and tribal roots in the community, and to use the forms of animal and plant life, the myths and beliefs of childhood memory, and the activities of daily life and larger spiritual existence, as the source of their art. In every sense this reinforced their connection with the natural world, and the character of their work draws on the power of nature in all its manifestations and their intense awareness of and relationship with it".
Oswald "Ossie" Hussein
Kachikabura [Before the Full Moon]